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DIY Puppets Videos

There are many types of puppets all over the world; here are five of the most common. Build one of each along with us.​

Finger Puppets: What to do with that matchless glove? You could save it for a snowman, or, you could turn it into finger puppets! (And give your snowman fashionable fingerless gloves.)

Hand Puppets: Upcycle bottle caps into a little puppet with a big personality. Clean out your junk drawer and give yourself a hand (puppet.)

Marionettes: You only need three things to make a marionette work: strings, controls, and gravity! First, you need to make the marionette…

Shadow Puppets: Turn cereal boxes into works of art. And science! Be sure to save the box tops…

Stick Puppets: Fun fact! Paint sticks are great for browsing in the library and for turning into puppets (in addition to stirring paint.)


Copyright © 2020 Adam Swartz Puppets

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